Why we REFUSE to use Resin 3D Printers #3Dprint

# Why We Don't Use Resin 3D Printers

Resin 3D printers are all the rage these days. They promise high-resolution prints, smooth surfaces, and intricate details. But are they really worth it? In this blog post, we will explore some of the reasons why we don't use resin 3D printers and why we prefer our awesome FDM printer instead.

## Reason 1: Resin is Toxic

One of the biggest drawbacks of resin 3D printing is the resin itself. Resin is a liquid polymer that hardens when exposed to UV light. Sounds cool, right? Well, not so fast. Resin is also a **toxic** substance that can cause skin irritation, eye damage, respiratory problems, and even cancer . Resin 3D printers require you to wear gloves, goggles, masks, and aprons to handle the resin safely. And don't even think about drinking it or using it as a perfume. Trust us, it's not worth it.

## Reason 2: Resin is Messy

Another reason why we don't use resin 3D printers is the mess they create. Resin 3D printing involves dipping a build plate into a vat of resin and lifting it up layer by layer. This means that there is always some excess resin dripping from the plate and the print. You have to clean the plate and the print with alcohol or other solvents to remove the resin. And you have to dispose of the used resin and the cleaning fluids properly, as they are hazardous waste. Resin 3D printing is not a hobby for the faint of heart or the lazy.

## Reason 3: Resin is Not Done Yet

The final reason why we don't use resin 3D printers is that resin prints are not done yet when they come out of the printer. Unlike FDM prints, which are ready to use as soon as they cool down, resin prints need to be cured with UV light to fully harden and strengthen them. This means that you need another device, such as a UV lamp or a curing chamber, to finish your prints. And you have to be careful not to overcure or undercure them, as that can affect their quality and durability. Resin 3D printing is a process that never ends.

## Conclusion

Resin 3D printers may seem like a great option for some applications, but they are not for everyone. They come with many challenges and risks that make them unsuitable for casual or hobbyist users. That's why we stick with our awesome FDM printer, which is safer, cleaner, and easier to use. FDM printing may not have the same level of detail or smoothness as resin printing, but it has its own charm and advantages. FDM printing is fun, simple, and satisfying. And that's why we love it.

: Resin 3D Printing Safety: What You Need to Know

: Safety Data Sheet for Elegoo Standard Photopolymer Resin

: How to Dispose of Resin – SLA/DLP/LCD 3D Printing Waste

: How to Cure Resin 3D Prints


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